Sunday, June 21, 2009

Israel was wrong to deport David Ben-Ariel!

The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 8, 1996, had a front page story about how the GSS sought my deportation for alleged involvement in a "plot to blow up the Al-Aksa mosque."

Still at Large!

Still at Large?

The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 8, 1996, had a front page story about how the GSS sought my deportation for alleged involvement in a "plot to blow up the Al-Aksa mosque."

Still at Large!

Ask Biden about Obama's Birth Certificate

Can Biden Shed Light on the Birth Certificate?

Biden scheduled to visit Perrysburg
PERRYSBURG - ...Biden will appear at Willard & Kelsey Solar Group headquarters, 1775 Progress Drive, Tuesday to discuss emerging manufacturing opportunities for the middle class during a Middle Class Task Force meeting, according to U.S. Rep. Bob Latta's (R-Bowling Green) office.


Perhaps Vice-President Joe Biden can shed some light on this legitimate question:


Where's the Birth Certificate?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Highway Robbery!

Having just gone through the state of Illinois from Ohio en route to gladly see the Badlands, Custer State Park and Wind Cave in South Dakota (among other places), it now sadly appears I went through a toll trap state! Why? Today I received an appalling "Illinois Tollway Notice of Toll Violation" demanding $62.60!

Highway Robbery: Illinois Toll Traps?

Monday, June 1, 2009


The Next American Revolution
by Warren "Bones" Bonesteel

In a poll regarding Lt. Easterling's objections over Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president the last number is the one to focus on. For anywho who is in possession of a few basic facts and has an un-biased knowledge of American and world history, the outcome was very revealing. A government that doesn't have a unified standing military to back its power has no dictatorial power over the citizens of the nation it governs. You see, the argument has been made that if Obama is not Constitutionally qualified to be president, that we are no longer living in a constitutional democracy, let alone in a constitutional republic. Thus, the argument leads inevitably to one conclusion: we are effectively being ruled by a dictatorship. The social and political contracts are thus openly broken, null and void, and cannot be readily or peacefully repaired. In such a case, the only powers left to the government are those of force and of coercion. Without a unified standing military and/or a unified and militarized police force, such a government has no effective power over the population. With the first premise in place, the second premise is one of mere historical reality.

In the un-scientific poll, 37% of the respondants are currently 'uncommitted.' Once the violence begins, they will be forced to make decision. Many of them will simply desert their posts and go home, as was the case in both The Revolutionary War and The Civil War. Others will leave their active-duty units, either legally or illegally, and join their home state's national guard units or create of join ad hoc militia units. Before all is said and done, I think that most of that 37% will jump on the Constitutional, anti-government bandwagon. That said, a significant percentage of that same 37% probably consist of the 'don't rock the boat' personalities. Which way any of them jumps will have a bearing on the potential outcomes of any peaceful or violent conflict that will arise as a result of the first two premises.

Also, if (when) another civil war begins in America, expect most of the fifty states to recall their national guard units from any deployment, providing that those units are able to arrange sufficient transportation. Those members of the regular reserves will also have some difficult choices to make.

Keep well in mind that the people who operate lean well to the left of the political center. Like the Marine Corps Times, The Army Times, etc., they are privately owned and operated and their editors, their publishers, and most of their contributors, are comprised of left-leaning journalists. They alone initiated this poll about Lt. Easterling and framed the questions and bear responsibility for the results. Their questions were not based upon the known facts or upon the historical evidence, but the results are interesting, even so...
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