Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bush's Luciferian legacy

George W. Bush’s True Legacy

By Mario Goveia


Bush’s Luciferian legacy is one that helped put nails in the coffin of our Constitution and launched deliberate attacks against our liberties under Orwellian pretense of “protecting” them; globalist Bush has prepared the wicked way for whatever CFR puppet who follows him to declare martial law without congressional approval or understanding of why for six months (too late when everything will have been “rearranged” as planned and now the law of the land); CFR and globalist banker puppet Bush has murderously lied to the American people and used our loved ones as fodder for the Military Industrial Complex while coddling terrorists in the White House at taxpayers’ expense; rewarded terrorists by expelling Jews rather than sworn Arab enemies from holy land in Israel; has refused to protect our borders or enforce our laws against illegal immigrants; and this is just the tip of the iceberg about to sink our ship if “We The People” don’t cry out to God to save us (2 Chron. 7:14) and do whatever is necessary to save ourselves.

As for the AIDS band-aid and such that only enrich the pharmaceutical drug lords (and whatever kickbacks the president and fellow politicians enjoy from such publicity stunts), why should American taxpayers be forced to care for others when many can’t afford to care for themselves or their loved ones?

Comment by David BenAriel — September 16, 2008 @ 9:24 pm