Saturday, October 11, 2008

Barack Obama in Toledo, Ohio

Black Marxist Obama to Pollute Toledo, Ohio

The good people in Toledo, Ohio who haven't been Obamatized aren't too happy that our city will soon be polluted by the presence of Black Marxist Barack Obama. We love the United States with all our heart and won't curse it by voting for a foreigner and a fraud who hates the United States and White people.

The good people in Toledo, Ohio will never forget that Obama has been indoctrinated in Black Liberation Theology for over 20 years by his favorite Black racist minister, Jeremiah Wright, and has written in his autobiography that he learned how to deceive White people, learning tactics on how to talk to White people. Some of us aren't buying it. We won't let Obama play us for fools.

Toledo, Ohio and every other city of red-blooded patriotic Americans say: Obama go back to Africa where you belong - or to any Muslim country of your choice. You're a fraud and a foreigner, even if Louis Farrakhan and other Nation of Islam goons proclaim you their messiah. WE KNOW BETTER.

A Warning for America from South Africa

It's A Sin To Vote For Obama!

You've been warned about Obama

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Is Obama still playing tricks with your mind?

Obama's hate

Race Matters