Monday, May 31, 2010

White Seattle Teen Victim of Hate Crime

Seattle teen beaten bloody in hate crime (black on white)

Restore white dominance in the United States and such terrible tales will be history, as such racist dogs would have the fear of God put into their dark hearts and be sent swiftly packing to whatever country they belong.

The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian)

Renew America by Restoring White Dominance

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Imagine There's No Border

Pajamasmedia — May 20, 2010 — The Audacity of Arizona. The Grand Canyon State decides it's going to enforce immigration policy and everybody goes crazy. Andrew and his wonder dog Virtue offer in-depth analysis of America's border folly.


The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian)
President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."
(read more ...)

Renew America by Restoring White Dominance
We must renew America by restoring the racial dominance of people of white color as our former immigration policy insured (that the treacherous drunk and murderer Senator Ted Kennedy perverted in 1965).
(read more ...)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Obama keeps America in the dark

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have...a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers."
-- John Adams
(1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President

Obama dogs America.

"Where's the Birth Certificate?" dogs Obama

The President usurper, the fraud and foreigner, the bastard from Africa, the con man from Kenya, reveals his shady character by refusing to be transparent with many important documents from his educational records to long form birth certificate. Emperor Obama must go!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Renew America

Renew America by Restoring White Dominance

David Hines - a columnist at - angrily responded to The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian) ...

David Ben-Ariel wrote:

Diversity demands: segregate now!

The Balkanization of America must end or our Republic will!

What the hell do you think Balkanization is?! It's the very fragmentation into factions that you advocate!

You think that your ancestors, not your efforts, entitle you to certain things such as telling blacks to go back to Africa. This is to be preferably voluntary, but if not, under coercion. In other words, "Get out please, or get the hell out!"

The great majority of American blacks have no real ties to Africa. No linguistic ties, no economic ties, no personal ties. Many have paid their dues, working for a living and paying taxes. For generations. What makes their ancestral inheritance in this land less than yours? Mere skin color?

Who's next to be ordered out? Us Pollacks? Us Germans? Or is about five eighths British Isles ancestry enough to earn a pass?


I encourage you to go educate yourself about what Balkanization means. (See Balkanization Of America Accelerating and The Balkanization of America). Then you will hopefully understand I am merely exposing what has been happening in these United States of America and offering the biblical solution to this national sickness that threatens to divide and destroy us, even as it has destroyed Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) and South Africa where the animals are running the farm and the tail is wagging the dog! Yet too many Americans remain ignorant or indifferent to these two witnesses who testify against us and still imagine the smooth-talking terrorist Nelson Mandela is a hero (and he is to Communists, Socialists, atheists, and humanists - see and read Invictus Idolatry ).

My call to renew America, to remember our roots and restore the proper racial dominance of people of white color - specifically Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples (White Israelites to whom Providence promised this land: The United States is Manasseh) - will not lead to any "fragmentation" (it already exists due to an unnatural and adulterous racial mix) - but hopefully will lead to greater unity among white people who must wake up and assert our God-given rights to rule in our God-given country!

Abraham Lincoln was a white supremacist and naturally wanted white people to remain in power. Such common sense once ruled in our country. Later minorities clamored for equality as a stepping stone to supremacy and foolishly, suicidally, like the self-hating and/or misguided Rhodesians and South Africans, we gave them the vote. As the election of the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama proves, blacks have no qualms about voting for one of their kind!

President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."

We must remember "Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs..." [Federalist # 2 John Jay].

We must renew America by restoring the racial dominance of people of white color as our former immigration policy insured (that the treacherous drunk and murderer Senator Ted Kennedy perverted in 1965).

We must enforce some improved "Project Wetback" (Eisenhower) and "Mexican Repatriation" (Hoover) and deport millions of illegal aliens (Truman deported over 2,000,000 illegal aliens). We must end illegal immigration - after all, whose country is this?

We must say no to demands for "reparations" and encourage repatriation for African-Americans (talk about hyphenated Americans). I address these issues in Black to Africa and Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return! In fact, the president of Senegal has offered Haitians the opportunity for repatriation and free land, so let us hope he would be as generous to black Americans and that other African leaders and countries would follow his example inviting blacks to return.

The United States of America was primarily founded by and for white people, as Manifest Destiny confirms. We must secure our biblical borders and inheritance without apology or hesitation. If we fail to, if we permit the browning of America to continue, refuse to treat the Mexican invasion as an act of war and defeat it, we will have only ourselves to blame for the death of America.

"I can only wish that the glorious truth committed to our keeping may be cherished, and that we, as a nation, may work out our God-assigned task. The future has work and some trouble in reserve, but if we are faithful… we need fear no evil..." - Manasseh and the United States

Monday, May 24, 2010

So Who Is Wrong?

Congessman Joe Sestak claims the White House tried to bribe him out of the Pennsylvania Democrat Senate primary but the White House, well, we're not sure what the White House says. Both can't be who is wrong? You decide.

Nations are bound by bonds and borders

Obama's Comment That Nations Are Defined by Bonds, Not Borders, Called 'Wishful Thinking'
Monday, May 24, 2010
By Nick Dean


The president usurper must realize nations are bound by bonds and borders and that he's a fraud and a foreigner who doesn't fulfill either. Let the con man from Kenya, the bastard from Africa, read The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian) and Renew America by Restoring White Dominance and let the truth set Obama/Soetoro/Obama free from his politically correct shackles.

U.S. Selective Service in Obama cover-up?

Is the U.S. Selective Service System now blocking access to President Barack Obama's online registration records? Members of the public searching the federal database for the commander in chief's registration are suddenly finding new difficulty, possibly due to the startling revelation of Obama's alleged use of a Connecticut-based Social Security Number.

Read the latest now on

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Invictus Idolatry

Invictus Idolatry

White and Christian

The United States by Grand Design (White and Christian)

The politically correct cultists seethe with anger whenever White Israelites - those of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic origins - dare to share the plain truth about our unparalleled contributions to world civilization and our unique role in fulfilling Manifest Destiny. Yet the flaming hypocrites ignore or downplay the double standards of militant minorities and reference to themselves as "La Raza" (The Race), insistence on undermining English as our official language, subverting the Protestant (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) foundation for Catholicism, etc.

President Teddy Roosevelt said, "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."

This Balkanization of America has been noted by those who don't fear to expose the importance of race and religion. despite being hatefully branded as racists and bigots. Race matters, as everybody but people of white color seem to realize! We must face the plain truth about race and responsibility. Diversity demands: segregate now!

The Balkanization of America must end or our Republic will! Most illegal immigrants are Roman Catholic and would vote Democrat and the dark powers that be know it. They are behind the destructive browning of America.

"I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth." - A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

That was all made possible, by the grace of God, because we were primarily all people of white color and Protestant, since our Great Creator God decreed the United States of America would fulfill the biblical inheritance of Manasseh, the son of Joseph.

Federalist # 2 John Jay
With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people -- a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.
This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence, that an inheritance so proper and convenient for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest ties, should never be split into a number of unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties.
Similar sentiments have hitherto prevailed among all orders and denominations of men among us. To all general purposes we have uniformly been one people each individual citizen everywhere enjoying the same national rights, privileges, and protection. As a nation we have made peace and war; as a nation we have vanquished our common enemies; as a nation we have formed alliances, and made treaties, and entered into various compacts and conventions with foreign states.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Leave Los Angeles in the dark!

Arizona Official Threatens to Cut Off Los Angeles Power as Payback for Boycott

#14. To: Goldi-Lox (#0)


Leave Los Angeles in the dark since they fail to respect those more enlightened than them who are rightly opposed to the alien invasion of these United States of America. Furthermore, it would reveal to them what they're pushing - a United States that is Third-World and primitive. Such ungrateful bastards are unappreciative of all the advances made by THE RACE: White Israelites - Anglo-Saxon-Celtic folks who proved Manifest Destiny true and made this country the envy of the world. Notice we're not clamoring to go to the Gentile countries they're fleeing from and yet attempting to recreate here! If they only had a brain...

17 more states planning Ariz. 'illegal' crackdown

In what is developing into a standoff between states and the federal government that could be bigger than gun control or even health care, 17 states have launched versions of Arizona's immigration law, even as federal officials say they may not bother to process illegal aliens caught by the states.

Read the latest now on

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sunday is illegitimate!

Gerhard Ebersöhn commented on The Scriptures clearly support the seventh day Sabbath

Yes, there's no doubt the Law demands and commands the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the LORD God of the CHRISTIAN.

There's no doubt 'Sunday is illegitimate'.

But that is not the issue among Christians. The fundamental issue is that the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead DID NOT OCCUR ON THE FIRST DAY, BUT ON THE SABBATH OF THE LORD GOD THE SEVENTH DAY of the week so that the reason why "a keeping of the Sabbath Day remains valid for the People of God” the 'heathen' Christians, is Jesus' Resurrection and that He through and in Resurrection from the dead invested the Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD God with a meaning and mandate it before DID NOT HAVE, which honour in no way ever, belonged to the First Day of the week, much less to Pagan Sunday!

"the Bible actually warned about those who would think to "change the times and the seasons." "

'Change the times and ....LAW' of God, it says..... Nevertheless, the New Testament is just as much the 'Law' of God as the Old Testament; and the New Testament has been MORE TAMPERED with than even the Ten Commandments WITH THE VIEW TO THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT!

Because there has NO text concerning the Sabbath's Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament been left uncorrupted by deliberate MISTRANSLATION TO MAKE IT LOOK He resurrected on Sunday!!

Send Calderon packing south of the border!

Mexican President Denounces Arizona Law Despite Laws Against Illegal Immigration in His Own Country
Thursday, May 20, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer


The flaming hypocrite Calderon should be sent packing south of the border, and actually should have never been permitted to pollute our country with his hypocritical self. Of course the Manchurian president, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, would aid and abet Calderon's disrespect for the United States.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Great Britain's name fulfills prophecy!

God Bless British Israel!

Chris Newnham comments:

There seems to be no end to the scale and desperation of certain "scholars" on the Internet to disprove British Israel. I am dumbfounded how such Christians claiming to be in the Bible Scholar area of knowledge can deny such a truth! If they make it to heaven they are in for a shock! Any angel will correct their thinking! No nation other than Great Britain claims the name great! God said of Israel "I will make thy name Great!" No other nation can possibly claim the promise to Ephraim that he would become a "Nation and a Company of Nations"! These so called scholars with an axe to grind have become blinded by their own dizzy focus and are just straining at Gnats. It occurs to me that none of them has ever studied this subject in real depth or historical detail. Maybe they are suffering from laziness in this particular realm and just are too afraid to admit that this might be their trouble!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Breakup Of U.S. Is Inevitable

Breakup Of U.S. Is Inevitable
Categories: Archived Columns, Columns by Chuck Baldwin

People all over America are discussing freedom’s future. In short, they are worried. In fact, many are actually talking about State secession. In coffee shops and cafes, and around dining room tables, millions of people are speaking favorably of states breaking away from the union. Not since the turn of the twentieth century have this many people thought (and spoken) this favorably about the prospect of a State (or group of states) exiting the union. In my mind, this is a good thing.

Even many of those who oppose the prospect of secession understand the increasing tyrannical nature of the current central government in Washington, D.C., and that something must be done about it.

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines tyranny as “1: oppressive power . . . 2: a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler . . . 3: a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force . . . 4: a tyrannical act.”

Even a casual observer would have to conclude that most of the actions proceeding forth from DC today match at least Webster’s 1st and 3rd definitions of tyranny. Besides, who would argue the advantage of the tyranny of an oligarchy over the tyranny of a monarchy? A tyranny of many cannot be distinguished from a tyranny of one in most cases–especially not by those poor souls who are at the point of the spear of Government’s cruelties.

The fact is, there is collusion between Big Government and Big Business (as each feeds and profits off the other) to strip the American people of their God-given liberties. Without a shadow of a doubt, had America’s Founding Fathers not sagaciously cemented the Second Amendment into the US Constitution, the Jackboots would have marched over us years ago.

That freedom-loving people are reaching a point of frustration–and even fury–is quite understandable. And State secession is, very properly, the last best option for freedomists to maintain fidelity to the principles of liberty. All of America’s founders understood this–all of them! And millions of modern-day American patriots are just now beginning to become reacquainted with this great, historic doctrine.

However, whether one subscribes to the doctrine of secession or not is quite immaterial. The breakup of the US is inevitable! Short of another Great Awakening, nothing can stop it. And given the spiritual deadness of most American churches these days, the prospect of a modern-day national revival seems remote at best.

It is a historical fact that no empire can sustain itself. And America is more and more becoming a global empire. For the sake of simplicity, I ask readers to ponder this question: How can one sustain a global economy without global government to manage and control it? Answer: One can’t.

This is why elitists in politics, economics, and the military have been calling for global government for decades. People such as George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Walter Cronkite, Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Gideon Rachman, Warren Christopher, Walt Rostow, Richard Gardner, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert Pastor, et al. Furthermore, organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission are constantly promoting regional or global unification. Moreover, institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and, of course, the United Nations (UN) all contribute to the escalation of globalism.

I have written two previous columns outlining much relevant information on this very real promotion of globalism. See them at:

Therefore, it is safe to say that, for the most part, America’s foreign policy is (and has been) controlled and manipulated by globalists. Accordingly, America’s armed forces are used more and more as international policemen to patrol the streets of the world on behalf of this international cabal of merchants and politicians. The cover for this is the mantra of fighting an international “war on terrorism.” But the real agenda is, keeping our troops fighting in perpetual war so that they might be available to the globalists at the UN and US State Department (not to mention countless “off the books” operations being run by the CIA and a host of other agencies) for the purpose of maintaining the “global economy” (and only God knows how many illegal enterprises).

Perpetual war also allows the Machiavellians who desire to turn America into a police state to increasingly encroach upon constitutionally protected liberties by keeping the populace in a perpetual state of fear. After all, as long as our troops are “over there” fighting (and making) enemies, we will always need Big Brother to keep us safe “over here.” And the only way he can do that is by putting us all in cages; but hey, it’s for our own good, right?

And, of course, this new “global force for good” must itself be reshaped into an image compatible with the political correctness of the New World Order. Hence, more and more women are being placed in combat units. In fact, females are now the fastest growing group of enlistees within the US armed forces. And for the first time in US history, women are now approved to serve aboard submarines. (I am sure submariners’ wives are thrilled about this!)

“How does flooding the US military with women fit into the scheme of the globalists?” you ask. Simple. By reducing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of our military forces, it requires them to be part of a “coalition” force. Come on, folks, figure it out: our troops are always part of some sort of global “coalition” army. They always serve in concert with NATO, or the UN, or at the behest of some other global entity.

And please, I don’t need readers to write me with great indignation, calling me “sexist.” Get real! If women can serve in combat equally with men, why not have an all-female combat infantry division? How about an all-female tank division? Let’s have an all-female Navy warship! What about an all-female Navy SEAL team or Army Special Forces team? If, then, women are inefficient in combat as a unit, they are equally inefficient in combat individually. Wise up, people! It is critical to the globalists controlling Washington politics that our military be integrated with foreign entities. Allowing the weaker vessels to dilute the warrior-strength of our combat units helps to accomplish this in spades!

Folks, this new American empire is not sustainable. Mark it down: the American empire will follow every other notable empire of antiquity and collapse under its own weight. The signs are already ubiquitous.

In its attempt to entice illegal aliens (a necessary component to the globalization of America) by providing them with almost complete and universal welfare benefits, the Empire has saddled the states with a monstrous debt and has planted the seeds for its own fragmentation.

The American Southwest is a boiling caldron. Revolutionaries, violent criminal gangs, agitators, drug runners, human traffickers, and agent provocateurs–all loyal to Mexico–have been allowed to freely unleash their anti-American vitriol to the point that, in desperation, the State of Arizona is now trying to fight back. It is probably too little too late, however. Both the central government in Washington, D.C., and the national news media are sympathetic to the cause of La Raza. Look at how those brave legislators and governor in Arizona have been lampooned by the national press corps.

The call for the “reconquista” of America’s great Southwest will continue to escalate. It is all part of the globalists’ plan to regionalize the United States. The template is already in place. CFR’s Robert Pastor has already done the legwork. The North American Community (or Union) is past the drawing table stage; it is now being implemented. The NAFTA superhighway is being built and La Raza has been unleashed on the frontier. It’s only a matter of time.

Furthermore, take a look at the staggering debt that this government in Washington, D.C., has burdened the American people with. To talk numbers is meaningless: they total more than we can possibly begin to fathom. These numbers shock sensibilities and strain comprehension. In this regard, toss away all notions of partisan politics. Both major parties in DC have forever plunged our children and grandchildren’s future into a chasm of indebtedness so deep that it can never be recovered. Never!

Yet again, perpetual war has accomplished its purpose: unmitigated debt has allowed international bankers to print and loan vast sums of paper money that can be used to further their dreams of a global economy, complete with a mutually palatable system of burgeoning global governance.

I say again, the American empire is not sustainable; the breakup of the United States is inevitable. It is only a matter of time. The real question is not IF the US will breakup, but WHEN and HOW?

Globalists are already planning America’s breakup. Indeed, their plans for the future global economy DEMAND that America fracture. So, all of those who want to parade around and pontificate about the “unconstitutionality” and “impracticality” of secession can do so to their hearts’ content. It changes nothing. The breakup is coming.

What is yet to be seen, of course, is if there will be enough states (the last vanguards of liberty) with the foresight to recognize the rise of tyranny and globalism as it approaches, and muster the courage and fortitude to do what principled patriots and lovers of liberty have always done: draw their line in the sand for freedom. Call it what you will; debate the definitions and language all you like; it all comes down to the same thing: either men fight for freedom and independence or they allow themselves and their children to be sold into slavery. At some point in the future (how far in the future, no one knows), we Americans will, once again, have to face that decision.

In the meantime, keep talking about freedom around your coffee tables; keep writing about freedom in your books and columns; keep praying about freedom in your churches and closets; keep dreaming about freedom in your hearts and minds. Real freedom–where a man can be left alone; where a man can keep what he earns; where a man can make his own choices; where a man’s property is his own; where harassing agents of an oppressive central government are nowhere to be found; where a man doesn’t have to sell his soul in order to sell his wares; where a man’s worship of God is not subject to political correctness (or the IRS); and where a man can actually exchange commerce and correspondence without the prying eyes of Big Brother–is worth any price. ANY PRICE!

As Barry Goldwater said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” Amen! And if the pursuit of freedom requires the extremism of secession, I say, LET IT COME!

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

(c) Chuck Baldwin

Tuesday, May 18, 2010



That's how apostate Christians, Gentilized Christians, misled by Romanizers, spiritual drunks and whores, hatefully refer those who reject their counterfeit Christianity to faithfully keep the same biblical ("Jewish") Sabbath, the same biblical ("Jewish") festivals, the same biblical ("Jewish") dietary laws and beliefs as Yahshua, the King of the Jews, and the early Jewish Church of God observed and taught. The Gentile converts Polycarp and Polcrates were also "Judaizers!"

The Sabbath-keeping Church of God are pioneers of the wonderful World Tomorrow when all idolatrous traditions of unclean Christianity, baptized paganism pretending to be Christian, will be history! Come Lord Yahshua!

Do you follow Constantine or Christ?

Monday, May 17, 2010

'Manchurian President' climbs to No. 22 among best sellers

Obama's nightmare: Exposé makes New York Times list
Barack Obama's efforts to downplay his past have taken a serious blow now that Aaron Klein's exposé of the president's connections with extremists and America-haters is climbing best-seller charts everywhere.

This week, Klein's "The Manchurian President:
Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists" hit No. 22 on the New York Times' best-seller list for hardcover, non-fiction titles.

Read the latest now on

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Con Man From Kenya

The con man from Kenya, the bastard from Africa, has yet to prove he is a natural born citizen. Where's the birth certificate? And why is president usurper Obama/Soetoro/Obama using a Connecticut social security number? So many disturbing questions hover over this shady character who keeps all his revealing documents in the dark. Why is that? The Manchurian President must be impeached (at least), so help us God.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hutaree Update

Hutaree Update

With much media fanfare, 9 members of a Michigan militia were arrested last March and charged with “seditious conspiracy”–specifically, plotting to murder law enforcement officers. Ostensibly, this was supposed to precipitate some kind of wholesale revolt against the government. Question: Have any of you heard anyone from the propaganda press corps (national news media) tell you what has been happening with this case? No? Did you not wonder why? Well, I’ll tell you why: the case has fallen apart.
The first indication of the Feds’ case going bad was a local report in the Toledo (Ohio) Blade, dated April 28, 2010. “An FBI agent who led the investigation of nine Michigan militia members charged with trying to launch war against the federal government couldn’t recall many details of the two-year probe yesterday during questioning by defense lawyers.
“Even the judge who must decide whether to release the nine until trial was puzzled.
“‘I share the frustrations of the defense team . . . that she doesn’t know anything,’ U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts said after agent Leslie Larsen confessed she hadn’t reviewed her notes recently and couldn’t remember specific details of the case.”
See the report at:
Can you believe testimony such as this was given in a court of law by a supposedly intelligent federal officer–an agent who had supposedly compiled the evidence that was used to arrest and incarcerate these supposedly “dangerous militia members”? If it wasn’t so serious, this would be a joke!
Remember that it was a federal informant who had infiltrated the group and even offered to teach Hutaree members how to make improvised explosive devices. On this point, William Grigg wrote, “While federal prosecutors have provided ample evidence that members of the Hutaree are passionately anti-government–what decent person ISN’T–they haven’t been able to demonstrate that the group did anything more than engage in survivalist training and indulge in apocalyptic rhetoric.” (Emphasis in the original.)
As a result, Judge Roberts found the government’s case sorely lacking. “Discussions about killing local law enforcement officers–and even discussions about killing members of the judicial branch of government–do not translate to conspiring to overthrow, or levy war against, the United States government,” she wrote, ordering that the Hutaree suspects be released on bail.
About which, Grigg wrote, “Since the federal case against the Hutaree rests entirely on what was SAID by the suspects, rather than anything specific that was DONE by them, it’s difficult to see what’s left of it [the case].” (Emphasis in the original.)
See Grigg’s column at:
But then again, punishing people because of their speech or political associations seems to be exactly where America is heading.
Remember that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is famous for supplying Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fusion Centers and State law enforcement agencies with warnings against people due to their political beliefs (pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, anti-United Nations, anti-New World Order, or anti-illegal immigration, for example), their associations (Libertarian or Constitution parties, for example), or even who they voted for (Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or Chuck Baldwin, to be precise). Previous reports even identified people as “dangerous” because of the books they were reading. (Tell me, again: this is the United States and not Nazi Germany, right?)
Now consider the statements of US Congressman Andre Carson (D-Indiana), who likens Tea Party protesters to “a terrorist threat.”
Washington Times reporter Kerry Picket recorded Rep. Carson as he explained it all:
Kerry Picket (Washington Times): “Do you think the people outside [Tea Party protesters] are generally dangerous or no?”
Rep. Carson: “Oh, absolutely. I worked in homeland security. I’m from intelligence, and I’ll tell you, one of the largest threats to our internal security  . . . I mean terrorism has an Islamic face, but it really comes from racial supremacist groups. (inaudible) It’s the kind of thing we keep a threat assessment on record [for].”
Larry O’Connor at then wrote, “And we can now see this two pronged message continuing in the narrative from Democratic politicians and the media: The Tea Party protests are really about white rage and they are sowing the seeds for domestic terrorism. This was the message delivered by Rep. Carson that afternoon and that is the message the media has run with.
“Only problem is, we can’t find any proof to back up Rep. Carson’s story.”
See the report at:
The truth is, if the federal government and its prostitutes at the SPLC have their way, ANYONE COULD BE IMPRISONED FOR ANYTHING! Don’t believe physicians should destroy human life in the womb? You’re a terrorist. Don’t like the United Nations? You’re a terrorist. Believe immigrants should come through the front door when migrating to America? You’re a terrorist. Voted for Ron Paul? You’re a terrorist. Believe in the return of Jesus Christ? You’re a terrorist. Ad infinitum. Ad nauseam.
Again, maybe this helps explain why all those (non-existent) FEMA camps are being built!
In my initial column on the Hutaree raid, I wrote, “Did members of the Hutaree intend to carry out aggressive violence against law enforcement personnel? I have no idea. Until this story broke in the national media, I had never heard of this group. I will wait for the facts to come out–if indeed the federal government and national media even allow the facts to come out.”
See my column at:
Well, the facts are beginning to come out: The FBI agent who brought the charges against these self-professed militia members made a complete fool of herself under oath in a court of law. She presented zero evidence to indicate that the Hutaree posed an imminent threat to anybody. Now that the judge has released the Hutaree members from jail and rebuked the agent for presenting such inept testimony, we’ll see if the Feds decide to pursue the case any further. Again, as Will Grigg said, “Since the federal case against the Hutaree rests entirely on what was SAID by the suspects, rather than anything specific that was DONE by them, it’s difficult to see what’s left of it [the case].”
However, the bigger question is, How far will Big-Government toadies try to take this Nazi-like philosophy: that anyone who believes in limited government and freedom, and who rejects their sanctimonious attitude and bullying is a “dangerous terrorist”? And even greater is the question, How long will the American people put up with it?
*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
(c) Chuck Baldwin

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Investigators: Obama using Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number

Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.

Find out the latest right now at

Hooray For Utah; Boo For Indiana

By Chuck Baldwin
May 11, 2010

This column is archived at

The Tea Party in Utah flexed its muscle over the weekend and booted longtime establishment Republican senator, Bob Bennett, from office. Hooray! (Now, Arizona, please do America a favor and show John McCain the door!) Unfortunately, Tea Party activists were unsuccessful in Indiana, as longtime establishment Republican, Dan Coats, defeated the principled patriot, John Hostettler. Boo!

Predictably, mainstream Republican spokesmen are lamenting Bennett’s ouster, saying Bennett was a true conservative, touting an 80% ranking in the American Conservative Union (ACU) index. However, the ACU index is completely irrelevant to the true measure of a congressman’s fidelity to constitutional government. The index that people should pay attention to is the Freedom Index (formerly called the Conservative Index) at The New American magazine. This index is far and away more accurate in determining a congressman or senator’s fidelity to limited government. In this index, Bennett’s latest rating was a pathetic 50.

Bennett needed to go; the good people of Utah did America a great favor by showing him the door. I trust and pray that this is an indication of how the November elections will fare. I would have been extremely optimistic that this might be the case, except for the miserable election results recorded in Indiana. Dan Coats is merely another establishment neocon in the similitude of Bob Bennett.

In the 105th Congress, Coats’ final rating was a dismal 55 in The New American’s index. On the other hand, John Hostettler’s last ranking stood at 85. Hostettler deserved the enthusiastic support of Tea Partiers throughout Indiana. It is tragic that he lost to someone such as the neocon, Dan Coats. Therefore, what was gained in Utah was lost in Indiana.

And this is going to be the danger for the Tea Party movement this year: If Tea Party activists do not truly understand the issues of limited government, or if they are fooled by establishment politicians, or if they fail to materialize at the polls on election day, all that will happen is one Big Government neocon will be replaced with another Big Government neocon. And, as Sonny and Cher used to sing, “The Beat Goes On.”

Proponents of limited government already had a setback in Texas when establishment neocon Rick Perry defeated Debra Medina. Obviously, Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin campaigned hard for Perry, and another Tea Party “leader,” Glenn Beck, did a hatchet job on Medina on his TV show, characterizing her has a “Truther” (with the associated vitriolic condemnation that such a person must be awful). Now, Texas is stuck with the same old same old establishment neocon.

This is why I again warn Tea Partiers to be very cautious of Palin and Beck. They promote limited government on one hand and then turn around and promote Big Government candidates on the other hand. If Tea Partiers do not grow a large head of discernment quickly, Washington insiders will quickly neuter both their voices and their votes.

Perhaps the biggest threat to the Tea Party movement is Newt Gingrich. Be alert, Tea Partiers: Gingrich is not a friend to limited government. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He proved that in 1995 when he (almost single-handedly) destroyed the Conservative Revolution of 1994. He will do the same to the Tea Party movement in 2010, if he is given the opportunity. Avoid him like the plague!

There are scores (probably hundreds) of great constitutionalist candidates running for State and federal offices this year. It is critical that Tea Partiers learn who they are and turn out in force to support them in the various primary elections. If we wait until the general elections in November, most of the good candidates will already have been defeated, and we will be left with the same old choice between Tweedledee and Tweedledum. That was a big problem in Indiana: voter turnout was anemic.

Believe me, Big Government pariahs are watching the elections of 2010 intently. By electing solid constitutionalists en masse (at both the State and federal levels) this year, Tea Partiers could literally ignite a modern revolution–a revolution of freedom and constitutional government rivaling the Tea Party of 1773–that could continue right on through the 2012 elections.

On the other hand, if establishment types such as Gingrich, Coats, Perry, McCain, etc., are allowed to beguile Tea Partiers, the revolution for limited government will be dead by midnight on November 2. Furthermore, it is extremely important that Tea Partiers not be conned by the major media into neglecting their State elections. Electing principled constitutionalists to State office is probably more important than who we elect to federal office. State sovereignty and freedom issues are mushrooming all over America, and truly our liberties will ultimately be won or lost at the State level.

The elections in Utah and Indiana send mixed signals. While Utah heralds great hope, Indiana portends more Big Government–all the Tea Party hype notwithstanding. Which Tea Party will show up next time? It’s anyone’s guess. All I know is, the stakes could not be higher. Whichever way the elections go in 2010 will probably determine the rise or fall of freedom in America.

I pray the Tea Party of 2010 is worthy of the Tea Party of 1773.

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

(c) Chuck Baldwin

Strictly Personal

By Chuck Baldwin
May 7, 2010

This column is archived at

I celebrated my 58th birthday this past Monday, May 3. Accordingly, it is time for my annual “Strictly Personal” column. I think it only fair that readers should have an opportunity to learn a little something about the person who writes the words they read. Today’s column is designed with that goal in mind. And since Charley Reese (one of my favorite columnists) stopped writing, I am the only syndicated columnist that does this, as far as I know. So, here goes.

I was born in a small town in northern Indiana. My father and mother were dedicated Christians. Dad was a welder by trade and a lay jailhouse preacher. The Lord delivered him from a terrible life of alcoholism, and the story of his deliverance is nothing short of miraculous.

Readers should know that I will send a cassette tape or CD of my father’s life story, free of charge, to anyone who requests it. If you or someone you know struggles with alcohol or drug addiction, I urge you to obtain a copy of this remarkable story. Go to:

The Baldwins in my clan were all Southern Democrats (from Arkansas), and so I grew up a Democrat. When Ronald Reagan ran for President, however, I registered as a Republican. Of course, I am now an Independent affiliated with the Constitution Party (CP).

I campaigned for Congressman Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican primaries. After it was obvious that he would not be the Republican Presidential nominee, CP leaders strongly encouraged me to seek our party’s nomination, believing someone was needed to represent constitutional government in the 2008 general election, because it was clear that neither Barack Obama nor John McCain would do so. After defeating former UN Ambassador Alan Keyes in the CP nominating convention, I became the Constitution Party’s nominee for President. I was also very honored to have received Dr. Paul’s endorsement during that campaign.

My summary of the 2008 campaign can be viewed at:

I am convinced that, at the national level, the two major parties are virtually two peas in a pod, or as Pat Buchanan calls them, “two wings of the same bird of prey.” In my opinion, both parties in Washington, D.C., are willfully surrendering our constitutional liberties, our independence, and our national sovereignty.

Outside of the decision to trust Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, the decision to marry my wife, Connie, is the greatest decision I ever made. She is wonderful! We will celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary next month. She has borne me three terrific children of whom I could not be prouder. All three of them are productive members of our community, and are active, dedicated Christians.

Our oldest child, Sarah Beth, is a dynamic ladies conference speaker and accomplished pianist. She is married to Allan Baker. Allan graduated with honors from the University of Florida (yes, we are proud members of the Gator Nation). He owns his own engineering firm and has clients from all over the country. Allan and Sarah reside in Pensacola, and have three children. Our oldest son, Christopher, owns his own plumbing construction business. Chris is also a certified firearms instructor and gunsmith. He and his wife, Jana, also live in Pensacola, and have three sons. Our youngest son, Timothy, has a law degree from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. Tim was a felony prosecutor with the Florida State Attorney’s office. Along with his wife, Jennifer, he now owns his own law firm here in Pensacola. They are expecting their first baby, a girl, this July. Tim is also a prolific writer and public speaker. He has written an outstanding new book of more than 500 pages entitled FREEDOM FOR A CHANGE. Here is Tim’s web site:

I have been privileged to serve as the Senior Pastor of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, for nearly thirty-five years now. See the church web site at:

Readers should be aware that we live-stream my Sunday morning messages each Sunday at approximately 10:30 a.m., Central Time. Hundreds of people across America cannot find a patriot-pastor in their local communities and, therefore, tune in to watch and worship with us. To watch these messages, go to:

I have hosted my own radio programs for more than thirty years. In fact, this column is the outgrowth of my radio talk show, Chuck Baldwin Live. Here is the web address:

My personal philosophy regarding social/political issues is quite simple: I believe abortion is America’s national holocaust. It is the deliberate killing of innocent human life. Furthermore, it is absolutely disgraceful that while the so-called “pro-life” Republican Party controlled the entire federal government (legislative, executive, and judicial) from 2001 to 2006, they did absolutely nothing to overturn Roe v. Wade. All they had to do was pass Ron Paul’s Sanctity of Life bill; but instead they squandered 6 years of opportunity–an opportunity that may never come again. The GOP’s dereliction in this regard is unforgivable.

I believe marriage is, by definition, only between a man and a woman.

I believe the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights to be the greatest civil documents ever devised by man. I believe America’s Founding Fathers to be the greatest generation of Christian philosophers and patriots to ever live.

I believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

I believe there is a conspiracy by elitists within government, Big Business, and academia to surrender America’s independence and national sovereignty to a globalist New World Order. I believe the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbergers are especially culpable in this regard.

I believe many, if not most, pastors today have become little more than glorified politicians; and I am very disappointed in the way today’s national Christian leaders (the so-called Religious Right) seem to grovel before political parties and personalities, which appears to be for the express purpose of obtaining political and financial benefit. In fact, if and when the tombstone is ever laid over the grave of America, the epitaph will read, “Here lies the United States of America: killed by the apathy and indifference of its pastors and churches.”

I further believe that the current effort to merge the United States into a North American Community, along with the sister-issues of the NAFTA superhighway and the push to provide amnesty (not to mention billions in federal tax dollars) to millions of illegal aliens, comprises a grave threat to America. I am also convinced that there is a bold and blatant attempt underfoot to turn the United States into a police-state-style surveillance society, in which personal freedoms are being quickly and egregiously sacrificed.

I opposed the preemptive invasion of Iraq, and I continue to oppose the occupation of that country. It is also obvious that the Barack Obama administration is doing nothing–and will do nothing–to change the perpetual war/preemptive war doctrine introduced by George W. Bush.

As to Afghanistan, I strongly supported Ron Paul’s Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001, which was (and still is) the constitutional way to resist the efforts of violent terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda.

I opposed the bailouts for Wall Street. I regard the Federal Reserve as a corrupt cabal of international banksters, whose actions are nothing short of criminal. I wholeheartedly support the abolition of the Federal Reserve and a return to sound money. If I had been elected President, many of these Goldman-Sachs types would have traded their penthouses for the Big House months ago!

I believe the American people have more to fear from Washington, D.C., than they do from Baghdad or Tehran. I believe the United Nations is a sinister organization from which the United States should withdraw. I believe the federal government taxes too much, spends too much, lies too much, and snoops too much into the personal lives of the American people.

I believe the federal “war on terror” and “war on drugs” are mostly a cover for power-hungry, Big Government zealots to trample constitutional government and squash freedoms and liberties, which are supposed to be protected by the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.

I fully support the current State sovereignty movements that are sweeping the country. I am personally convinced that the best (and perhaps the only) mechanism freedomists have to counter the incessant encroachment upon liberty by the criminals in DC is to focus our attention on electing and supporting governors, legislators, sheriffs, etc., who have the personal courage and constitutional understanding to resist these would-be tyrants in the central government.

Besides Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, and the Constitution Party, the only other organizations to which I belong are Gun Owners of America (Life Member) and the National Rifle Association (Annual Member). I especially support GOA, as it is the only Second Amendment advocacy group that refuses to compromise for the sake of political correctness.

See GOA’s web site at:

In my view, the best news magazine in the country is The New American. I enthusiastically recommend that every American read it. Here is their web site:

If I have any hobbies, they would be hunting and freshwater fishing, although I don’t get to do either as much as I would like. I am probably what people would call a workaholic. In addition, I am a firm believer in healthy eating and exercise.

Well, there it is. That is me in a nutshell. At least now you know more about who I am. You can rest assured that everything I write will be faithful to the beliefs mentioned above.

And there is one more thing: during the month of May, I will send a full-size color photograph of yours truly to everyone who sends a financial donation of $25 or more to help me continue to produce these columns and keep this freedom effort afloat. To see the photo that will be sent, go to:

The recession has hurt all of us; and it has affected the income necessary to maintain these columns as well. If you appreciate my work and want to help me continue to advance the cause of liberty and constitutional government, I could really use your help right now. You may use your Visa, Discover, or MasterCard; or you may write a personal check or Money Order. Here is the link to donate:

Thank you for helping me in any way you can, and thank you for reading and passing on my columns.

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

(c) Chuck Baldwin

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Who You Gonna Trust?

"…when it comes to what's wrong with this country, the American people are not the problem. The American people are the answer. The American people want to trust in our government again -- we just need a government that will trust in us. " -Hussein Obama

Just substitute the words "American people" with "Birthers" to get a clearer picture of why many don't trust the government, especially when it's misled by an obviously shady character who has failed to prove he is a natural born citizen:

The president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, Obama/Soetoro/Obama, has yet to bring to light his long form birth certificate.

Who You Gonna Trust?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Are Obama's days numbered?

The Obama-Ayers meeting: What you haven't been told

#4. To: JoeSnuffy (#0)

the Manchurian president

The con man from Kenya, the bastard from Africa, the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama (who was indoctrinated for over 20 years in racist Jeremiah Wright's haven of hatred against the United States and people of white color), apparently is presently protected by the dark powers that be - since Hussein should be removed from office for many reasons and yet treacherous politicians, judges and media ignore such disturbing information - unless or until they decide to remove their shield and forge another hero, make another martyr, and have Obama killed. The Manchurian president should beware those who created the Obama as savior cult can easily turn and crucify him.

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists

By Aaron Klein with Brenda J. Elliott

Tens of millions of Americans sense there is something very wrong with the president of the United States, but they don't know exactly what. "The Manchurian President" answers that question. In writing this exhaustively researched book—which is thoroughly documented with over 800 endnotes—Aaron Klein, with Brenda J. Elliot, definitively exposes just how dangerous Barack Obama really is as America's president and commander in chief. Among the book's chilling findings:

Obama's deep ties to an anti-American fringe nexus instrumental in building his political career, some members of which are helping draft White House policy

Obama's extensive connections to ACORN and its union affiliate, including much new information not previously documented elsewhere

Extremists exposed in the White House, including top czars and communist-linked Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod

Obama's healthcare policy pushed and crafted by extremists

Obama’s deep association with the Nation of Islam

Obama's ties to terrorist Bill Ayers much more extensive than ever previously disclosed

About the Authors

Aaron Klein is an American journalist, author and radio host. He serves as senior investigative reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief for online news giant and is a columnist for the Jewish Press. Known for his regular appearances on top U.S. radio talk shows and television news broadcasts, especially Fox News, Klein is also the author of "Schmoozing with Terrorists" and "The Late Great State of Israel." Klein currently hosts his own program on WABC, the nation's largest talk radio station.

Brenda J. Elliott is a historian and author known for her dogged blogging during the 2008 presidential election about Tony Rezko, William Ayers and other criminals in Obama's clique of cronies.

Product Details
Hardcover: 352 Pages
Publisher: WND Books (May 3, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-935071-87-7 Product Dimensions: 6 x 9

Click here to read more

Sunday, May 2, 2010

National Association for Gun Rights Spring Newsletter Available Online

The latest issue of the National Association for Gun Rights newsletter is now available to download.

In the cover story, read about Executive Director Dudley Brown's visit to Washington D.C., where he met with pro-gun hero, Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA).

Other stories in the Spring issue include:
  • News on Hillary Clinton's support for the U.N. Small Arms Treaty
  • Guest columnist Steve Bierfeldt's essay on "What politics is really about"
  • State Gun Rights news update
  • Analysis of the Supreme Court hearing in the McDonald v. Chicago case.
  • Firearms now allowed in National Parks
  • NAGR Range Bag, a new regular column I'm authoring, centering on guns, shooting and hunting.
You can click here to download the full Spring 2010 National Association for Gun Rights newsletter.

For freedom,

Luke O'Dell
Director of Operations
National Association for Gun Rights

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Investigation Into Obama Background Spells Trouble Ahead

By Anthony G. Martin
Conservative Examiner
A brand new, in-depth investigation into the background of Barack Obama may spell big trouble ahead regarding the issue of Presidential eligibility. The investigation was conducted by Northeast Intelligence Network--a team of experienced, professional private investigators whose services have been utilized by Fortune-500 companies. The director, Douglas J. Hagmann, is a 23-year veteran in high-level investigations and is a member of the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association. Hagmann's investigation into the background and Constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as President of the United States is extensive and thorough. His conclusions are stunning.
Read More:

Send illegal aliens running with tails between their legs!

Stand Up for Arizona
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Since Gov. Jan Brewer signed a new immigration law a week ago, Arizona has been subjected to savage attack as the modern embodiment of Jim Crow, apartheid and Nazism. Few have risen in the state's defense. In a particularly offensive smear, Mexican President Felipe Calderon charged Arizona with opening the door to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement.” And what was the reaction of the Great Apologist Obama to this slander of an American state by the leader of a neighboring nation? None. One wonders if Barack Obama will ever stand up to foreign leaders abusing the nation that awarded him its highest honor.

Of course the bastard from Kenya, the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner Obama/Soetoro/Obama who was indoctrinated for over 20 years in racist Jeremiah Wright's haven of hatred against the United States and people of white color, won't defend the honor of our beloved white Israelite country and precious Republic because he has no honor. That's apparent by the fact Hussein Obama has failed to be transparent with his long form birth certificate, among many other documents he keeps in the dark.

Regardless of Hussein Obama's shameful silence in the face of such a internationally-reported slam against Arizona and the United States by the corrupt Mexican President Felipe Calderon, we - legitimate Americans -  must stand up for Arizona and stand up for the United States!

Isn't it hypocritical that non-white races can freely be proud of their race (LA RAZA - THE RACE) and have racist groups like the NAACP and exclusivist organizations like the Congressional Black Caucus, yet whenever people of white color seek to enforce our laws, in this country founded primarily by and for Anglo-Saxon-Celtics (as Manifest Destiny proves), with all its wonderful accomplishments and blessings the Gentiles covet, Joseph's Birthright, the militant minorities howl!

The plain truth is race matters. We need to be reminded of our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities and act accordingly, without apology, so help us God!

The sooner we enforce our laws and treat the curse of illegal immigration as a FOREIGN INVASION - with as much manpower and force as necessary to turn the tide and reclaim our country - the greater respect we will have for ourselves and others will take note and warning not to dare bark against us or they will be sent running with their tails between their legs!

Arizona Has It Right

By Chuck Baldwin

April 30, 2010

This column is archived at

Open borders advocates are livid that the State of Arizona has enacted a new law authorizing State law enforcement personnel to arrest illegal aliens. The Reverend Al Sharpton is threatening to march. The mayor of San Francisco has declared Arizona off limits as a travel destination. The national government of Mexico has issued travel warnings. President Barack Obama is contemplating bringing a federal lawsuit against the State. Some are calling for a boycott of the State.

So, why all the fuss?

The State of Arizona is rightly sick and tired of the federal government’s refusal to protect our nation (and the State of Arizona specifically) from this foreign invasion that is commonly referred to as “illegal immigration.” In other words, the State of Arizona has said, “If the federal government won’t enforce the law, we will.” I say, good for them! Now, the other border states (Texas, New Mexico, and California) should do the same thing. Arizona has it right, and the vast majority of the American people know it.

As an aside, if you are considering a visit to the American Southwest this summer, why not support the brave legislators and governor of Arizona, and make a point to spend your leisure dollars in Arizona? And when you do, write a letter to the State capitol and tell them. Even more importantly, I suggest that everyone contact their own State representatives, senators, and governors, and urge them to enact a similar law–to the one Arizona passed–in your State.

And since the national news media refuses to set the record straight on the subject of illegal immigration (one could even say that the national news media is deliberately covering up the record), let’s do that right here and now.

First, let’s talk about numbers. Even though the Census Bureau (CB) estimates 11 million illegal aliens live in America, the real numbers are much higher. Even CB officials admit that many illegal aliens purposely avoid the census count. A more reliable count is provided by Bear Stearns. It puts the number of illegal aliens at around 20 million. Former US Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO), who was Chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, puts the number at over 18 million.

According to Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies (TNRIP), 6,000 immigrants arrive in America EVERY DAY. That equates to more than 2 million EVERY YEAR. In many communities in the Southwest, including Los Angeles, California, and Houston, Texas, Hispanics now comprise a majority of the population. But numbers of illegal aliens are quickly beginning to mount in cities throughout the United States.

For example, TNRIP documents the fact that the Hispanic population grew in three Tennessee counties by more than 70% between 2000 and 2004. In one of those counties (Robertson) it grew over 95% during that time. In seven Tennessee counties, the Hispanic population grew by more than 40%. Now, Tennessee can hardly be considered a “border state.” The fact is, what is happening in Tennessee is happening all over the United States. And lest you think this is all harmless, think again.

According to TNRIP, the financial cost of this foreign invasion to U.S. taxpayers is staggering! Here is a breakdown of the annual costs:

Education: $22.5 billion
Bi-lingual Education: $3.3 billion
AFDC: $2.4 billion
SSI: $2.9 billion
Social Security: $24.8 billion
Housing Assistance: $2.6 billion
Criminal Justice: $2.6 billion
Jobs Lost by Americans: $10.8 billion
Other Programs: $51.4 billion
Food Stamps: $7 billion
Health Care: $1.4 billion

The first study of the net cost of illegal immigration to American taxpayers was conducted in 1997 by Dr. Donald Huddle, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Rice University. This study concluded that from 1970 to 1997, illegal immigration had cost taxpayers over $69 billion. Obviously, the financial numbers have exploded since then.

Furthermore, during 1996 alone, more than 2.3 million American workers were displaced by (mostly) illegal aliens. Harvard Professor George Borjas estimates that today American workers lose $133 billion per year in wage depression and job loss.

Back in 2007 it was reported, “LA County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced that a new report shows illegal aliens and their families collected over $35 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in July.

“In the report, illegals are said to have collected nearly $20 million in welfare assistance for July 2007 and an additional $15 million in monthly food stamp allocations for an estimated annual cost of $440 million.

“‘Illegal immigration continues to have a devastating impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers,’ said Antonovich. ‘In addition to $220 million for public safety and $400 million for healthcare, the $440 million in welfare allocations bring the total cost to County taxpayers that exceeds $1 billion a year–this does not include the skyrocketing cost of education.’”

Consider, too, this recent report by Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector. According to Byron York at National Review, “Rector found that in 2004, the most recent year for which figures are available, low-skill households received an average of $32,138 per household–the great majority in the form of means-tested aid and direct benefits. (Rector excluded from that figure the cost of public goods and interest; with those included, he says, each low-skill household receives an average of $43,084.) Against that, Rector found that low-skill households paid an average of $9,689 in taxes. (The biggest chunk of that was the Social Security tax–$2,509–followed by state and local taxes, consumption taxes, property taxes, and federal income taxes, but Rector counted everything, including highway levies and lottery purchases.) In the final calculation, he found, the average low-skill household received $22,449 more in benefits than it paid in taxes–the $32,138 in benefits, excluding public goods, minus the $9,689 in taxes.

“Taking that $22,449, and multiplying it by the 17.7 million low-skill households, Rector found that the total deficit for such households was $397 billion in 2004. ‘Over the next ten years the total cost of low-skill households to the taxpayer (immediate benefits minus taxes paid) is likely to be at least $3.9 trillion,’ Rector writes. ‘This number would go up significantly if changes in immigration policy lead to substantial increases in the number of low-skill immigrants entering the country and receiving services.’”

See York’s column at:

It has been noted that 75% of people on LA’s most-wanted list are illegal aliens. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are here illegally, and roughly 30% of inmates in the federal prisons are illegal aliens.

In addition, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegals from south of the border. According to Tancredo, gang membership by illegal aliens in many states is 50%, and in Phoenix, Arizona, illegal aliens constitute 34% of child-molestation and 40% of auto theft cases.

Furthermore, illegal aliens murder (on average) 12 Americans EVERY DAY, according to Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa). Plus, illegals that drive drunk kill another 13 Americans EVERY DAY. That means illegal aliens kill more Americans EVERY YEAR than have been killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars in total.

See the report at:

Of course, Arizonans are still reeling from the recent high profile murder of a fellow citizen on his own property by an illegal.

Law enforcement agencies are very much cognizant of a surge in Latin American “ultra-violent” gangs that have sprung up in more than 40 US states. According to the FBI, one gang called MS-13 has been identified in 42 states. Another group called the 18th Street Gang is in 37 states. According to FBI MS-13 National Gang Task Force director Brian Truchon, “When the gang migrates throughout the U.S., there is always a road back to L.A. From L.A., there is always a road back to Central America.”

Retired lawman Jim Kouri wrote, “According to Lt. Steve Rogers, a decorated cop and award-winning writer, there are tens of thousands of murderers, rapists, child predators, robbers and drug dealers who are illegally in the United States. One study shows over 200,000 criminal aliens are preying on U.S. citizens.”

What the Arizona law does is authorize its law enforcement personnel to ENFORCE THE LAW. No one in Arizona is talking about racial profiling or violating citizens’ constitutional rights. In fact, the new Arizona law actually mirrors already established federal law. But the federal government has hamstrung State and local police agencies in their attempts to arrest illegals for decades. Now, Arizona policemen can arrest illegals for being in the State of Arizona illegally, and have them deported: something they should have been doing (and have every right to do) all along. No wonder the vast majority of the American people (not to mention the citizens of Arizona) supports the Arizona law.

But there is a greater issue here: the right of the State of Arizona to protect, defend, and govern itself. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the State sovereignty movement is growing like a wildfire. Whether it is Arizona, Montana, Idaho, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, Florida, Alaska, or a couple dozen other states, legislators are beginning to awaken to the constitutional and moral responsibility of each State to govern itself. And when the central government in Washington, D.C., abridges or impedes that responsibility, it is the right and duty of states to resist.

This is why I tell people everywhere I speak, What is going on in [Your State] is infinitely more important than anything that goes on in Washington, D.C. Without the approbation of the State, DC’s actions and attitudes are irrelevant. This is why we need county sheriffs, State legislators, State judges, State attorneys general, and governors who–along with their State’s citizenry–understand the Constitution and are willing to courageously hold the line for freedom and constitutional government in their respective states. And by passing this anti-illegal alien bill, the State of Arizona did just that–the chagrin and consternation of open borders advocates notwithstanding.

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

(c) Chuck Baldwin